Kay Draper
Independent Occupational Therapist and Case Manager
Kay Draper 1956 – 2016
Kay was one of the founding directors of Independence Works. She was a much respected and highly skilled occupational therapist, an exceptional colleague and trusted friend. So many wonderful comments have been made about Kay since her untimely death. We are all missing her deeply.
For members of Independence Works who have been supervised and mentored by Kay, she was a fantastic role model that could always be relied upon to offer reasoned calm advice, guidance, support and kindness. Kay was a professional who enthused about her work and who inspired others to do the same, whether they were clients, commissioners or colleagues. Kay had an exceptional high standard of personal and professional integrity. Her interpersonal skills and brilliant dry sense of humour brought consensus amongst colleagues in meetings and she embodied a generosity of spirit that made people trust her, feel encouraged and feel better from having spent time with her. She has been described by her colleagues as 'one in a million', 'a credit to her profession', and 'a legend'.
Kay Draper died on Thursday 21st July when the glider she was piloting came down in a field at the outskirts of Bradley, a small village near Basingstoke, Hampshire. She was an experienced pilot and had piloted gliders for around 20 years. Kay had initially flown hang-gliders and won the first British Women’s Championships before joining the British team that won the first Women’s European and Women’s World Championships.
One of our new members, who was being mentored by Kay, paid this fitting tribute: "There are a few people I hold in the highest regard and genuinely look up to, as an inspiration to always seek self improvement in whatever I do. She was one of those people".
Our thoughts and prayers particularly go to her beloved husband Dave and extended family.