Miss Thompson was working as a groom when she sustained multiple fractures to her left tibia in an accident at work involving a horse.
You have been extremely supportive through this difficult time. 
Miss Thompson was 22 years old at the time of the accident. When the occupational therapist/case manager met her at her home, she had been in an Ilizarov frame (an external metal circular brace wired into the bone) for approximately a year and had an unhealed fracture which was misaligned and causing a deformity. She was in chronic pain and had reoccurring infections to her pin sites, which disturbed her ability to sleep. She was struggling to care for her three year old child and could not walk without crutches.
Second opinion on Miss Thompson’s treatment
The occupational therapist/case manager arranged funding from the insurance company for a private appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon in order to obtain a second opinion on Miss Thompson’s treatment. This was arranged within two weeks of the assessment visit and raised the possible need for bone graft surgery. Following liaison with the GP the occupational therapist arranged for another private appointment with an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialised in non-union and who could admit Miss Thompson. The GP agreed to refer Miss Thompson to the same consultant through the NHS.
Walking with only a slight limp
Miss Thompson was seen privately, and a week later the orthopaedic surgeon removed her Lizeroth frame and put her in full-length plaster (through the NHS, as an urgent case). Two months later this was removed and she was allowed to put full weight through her leg. The insurance company agreed to fund private physiotherapy to address the loss of range of movement in her ankle joint and altered gait, and as a result Miss Thompson walks with only a slight limp.
Finding alternative employment
The occupational therapist/case manager arranged for Miss Thompson to have career advice in order to assist her to examine her qualifications, skills and ability to find alternative employment. She decided to begin an access course at her local college, which has excellent child care facilities.