
Please find below testimonials from some of the solicitors with whom we have worked…

 A very big thank you to [OT] who provided fantastic support throughout and who is a shining example of the virtues and benefits of rehabilitation.

“I can only say your help with regard to the action has been invaluable, which I am certain my client would concur. Added to that was your unequivocal impartiality, which provided me with a degree of reassurance also! I would have no hesitation in providing a testimonial to that effect also. I wish you all the best and hope to work with you again in the future.”

“Many thanks to the OT and thank you again for all your input in this matter which I know [client] found invaluable”.

“My client, a serving member of HM Forces, sustained very serious lower limb injuries in a motorcycle incident. Whilst he received very good treatments from both the NHS and from the military there were occasions when the levels of care available failed to meet my client’s particular requirements. Thanks to the efforts of [OT], who was able to plug the gaps very quickly with exactly what was required, my client has made an excellent recovery and has been able to resume his military career. A very big thank you to [OT] who provided fantastic support throughout and who is a shining example of the virtues and benefits of rehabilitation.”

“I am aware that my client has very much welcomed your input to date and I would like to hope that you can continue to work with her to provide ongoing assistance/rehabilitation.”

“May I take this opportunity to thank you for your time and the totally professional way in which you have dealt with this matter, which has put my client at ease.”

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